Todd Yandre

Fire Chief
City of Lake Mills Fire Department
Lake Mills, 
Last Call: 02/15/2023
Circumstances: Cardiac Event

Initial reports, pending autopsy confirmation, indicate a cardiac event as the cause of his death in the line of duty. Chief Yandre served with distinction as a member of the Lake Mills Fire Department for over 41 years, moving up the ranks from volunteer firefighter to Chief of the Department.

Chief Yandre made a profound and lasting impact on his family and friends, the Lake Mills Fire Department, and the Lake Mills community at large.
The untimely and sudden death of Chief Yandre has profoundly affected a broad area on a substantial scale. In addition to his service to the Lake Mills Fire Department, Chief Yandre was a mentor and educator to an untold number of past, current, and future firefighters as an adjunct instructor for Madison College, as a member of the Emergency Services Board of Madison College, and as a member of the Wisconsin Society of Fire Instructors.

Chief Yandre was also an active member of the International Association of Fire Chiefs and the Wisconsin State Fire Chiefs Association. As a dedicated fire and emergency services professional, Chief Yandre protected, served, and saved countless lives within our community, the surrounding region, and the State of Wisconsin. Chief Yandre lived and died a hero, deserving celebration and remembrance.