Pablo Guzman

Fort Meyers, 
Last Call: 02/01/2022

Pablo Guzman, Father, Husband, brother, nephew, educator, motivator, and veteran. He served the citizens and visitors of NYC as an EMT for many years, before achieving the rank of Lieutenant, where he continued to serve, never losing his focus as to what his priorities were. He always put God first, then family, then friends, then everyone he came in contact with. He was determined to be both, a spiritual, and civil servant.

Paul served proudly with the 42d Infantry Division as a Sergeant in the United States Army National Guard for the state of New York. Paul also worked tirelessly with the Royal Rangers. An activity-based, church ministry for boys and young men grades K-12 which is part of The Assemblies of God programs.

Upholding the FDNY/EMS Mission, which is to conserve life, alleviate suffering, promote health, do no harm, and encourage the quality and equal availability of emergency medical care, as a personal mission. He was a first responder to the terrorist attack on the WTC which ultimately caused the cancer which he succumbed to after a long illness.

Paul is survived by his wife Dianne, son Jonathan, and extended family members.